About Us
In 2022 Molmall is moving under the umbrella of the MDPI Sustainability Foundation and will be rebranded as MDPI Sustainability Foundation, Chemical Samples Collection.
This amazing project began back in the 90s through the strong belief that compounds developed for various purposes by chemists and researchers around the world were worthwhile collecting, preserving and sharing. Guided by this vision, Dr. Shu-Kun Lin lay the ground for sustainability of chemical compounds and set up the MDPI Samples Collection. The MDPI Samples collection is today part of the MDPI Sustainability Foundation. The original mission of the MDPI Sustainability Foundation is to permanently collect and preserve all molecular and biomolecular samples specimens thereby enhancing the Samples Collection with further promising compounds.
The MDPI Sustainability Foundation is also in charge of Molmall, the platform to handle customer relations, maintenance and development of the compounds database, marketing and handling of the compounds. One of the main aims is to promote the Samples Collection worldwide through different activities, thus increasing the number of compounds while contributing to the samples exchange. A significant part of the operational revenue of the Molmall platform is reinvested in the MDPI Sustainability Foundation.
Molmall is committed to satisfying its customers in responding actively to their needs by providing a proactive and reliable service. Gradually, further services will be added to meet the needs of the customers while continuing to leverage on synergies with one main aim of enhancing the Samples Collection.
You can download the entire Molmall catalog here. Last updated on 12 Jan 2025